Lünersee im Brandnertal | © Golm Silvretta Lünersee Tourismus GmbH Bregenz, Patrick Säly


Overview of prices for the Lünerseebahn 2025

  Adu. sen. Child.

Green ticket Lünersee 

31.10 29.90 21.30
 1 ascent and descent with the Lünerseebahn incl. free arrival and departure from/to the Lünerseebahn within Vorarlberg and from the border stations Buchs, St. Margarethen (CH), Lindau (D) and St. Anton am Arlberg. The ticket is only valid on the day of issue.

Ascent  or descent 

15.80 15.10 9.50

Ascent and descent 

24.50 23.30 14.70
Ascent or descent luggage ticket
(no bicycle transportation)

Preise in Euro

Also the Montafon Brandnertal WildPass is valid. 

20 or more paying persons

  Adults Seniors Children
Ascent or descent 13.80 13.20 8.30
Ascent and descent 21.30 20.30 12.80
Ascent or descent luggage ticket
(no bicycle transportation)
Packages for 20 or more paying persons*      
Ascent and descent with 3-course menu 47.00 45.00 37.00

Prices in EUR


The tickets must be redeemed and paid for collectively by the tour leader at the cash desk. All groups of people (adults, seniors, children) of a category (for example ascent)  are counted as a group, but not mixed with another category (for example ascent and descent). 

For larger groups, one free ticket will be provided for every 20 paying persons.

 *Group Packages: The tickets are valid in the Douglass Hütte at the summit station of the Lünerseebahn.
Reservation in the Douglass Hütte is required. M. +43 664 4412378

Ascent or descent 7.60
Ascent and descent 11.80

Prices in EUR

This offer is valid for compulsory and high schools (school events) from Monday to Friday during normal school hours. The student rate is valid for school classes with children up to the age group of 2006. Official certification of the school (stamp and signature of the management) and a list of all names of students with their date of birth is required.

We will grant a free pass to teaching staff for every 12 students

  Age groups by year of birth
Children "Bambini" born in 2019 or after - FREE, but ticket is necessary (from age 3 and above)
Children 2006 to 2018
Adults 2005 to 1961
Seniors in or before 1960


Special rates (bambini, children, seniors) are only available on presentation of a valid photo ID (passport).

All prices are in Euro. Errors and omissions excepted, subject to changes. With your ticket purchase, you consent to the general terms and conditions.

Useful information at a glance

Webcam Lünersee

Open lift & huts


0 from 1 open Lifts
0 from 0 open Pistes
0 from 0 open Toboggan runs
0 from 0 open Cross-country ski trails
0 from 0 open Winter hiking trails
0 from 1 open Other


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We are happy to provide further assistance

You can reach us via telephone or Email from:

Monday to Friday 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.


Opening times Lünerseebahn

18 May – 15 September 2019

Ascent: Every half hour from 8.00 a.m. to 12.20 p.m. and from 1.10 p.m. to 4.55 p.m. (last ascent). 

Descent: Every half hour from 8.10 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. and from 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. (last descent). 

Lunch break: From 12.20 p.m. to 1.10 p.m. (continuous operation if required).

T. +43 5556 701 83167
E-Mail info@gsl-tourismus.at